SENTIS™ Cancer + Discovery

Technological advances combined with an improved understanding of the genetic basis of cancer has revolutionised the way we manage cancer. Utilising the patient’s particular genomic profile, clinicians can now assess the risk of hereditary cancer for the patient and the patient’s family, also tailor the best treatment options.

BGI’s SENTIS™ Cancer+Discovery provides clinicians with one of the market’s most comprehensive and accurate Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) based testing solution for the identification of clinically actionable mutations and the discovery of novel variants with important functions in cancer. Supporting both tissue sample and liquid biopsy, the panel offers whole exon coverage of 688 cancer-related genes and interrogates the most common types of alterations, including SNVs, Indels, CNVs and fusions in solid tumours.

  • Whole exon coverage of 688 cancer-related genes, supporting most common types of genomic alterations including base substitutions, Indels, CNV, fusion, TMB and MSI
  • Includes genes associated with both sporadic and hereditary cancers
  • Provides interpretation on the therapeutic relevance in 200+ drugs, including 260 targeted therapies (both approved and currently in clinical trials), 11 immunotherapies and 11 commonly used chemotherapies
  • Includes 425 genes in cancer-related pathways for discovery of novel pathogenic variants
  • BGI SENTIS™ Cancer+Discovery (Tissue): Matched fresh tissue, biopsy, FFPE, DNA and peripheral blood
  • BGI SENTIS™ Cancer+Discovery (ctDNA): Peripheral blood or DNA

The median adequate sequencing depth is up to 1000x using tissue samples and up to 3000x using ctDNA

Screening Package Option

BGI SENTIS™ Cancer+Discovery (Tissue) – for solid tumor

BGI SENTIS™ Cancer+Discovery (ctDNA) – for metastatic cancer

Sample Requirement

BGI SENTIS™ Cancer+Discovery (Tissue)

  • 15 FFPE sections
  • 5mL of peripheral blood

BGI SENTIS™ Cancer+Discovery (ctDNA)

  • 10mL of peripheral blood in Streck Cell-Free DNA BCT® tube